Automated optimized irrigation systems for small farmers in a subtropical region


  • Iris Marcela Jara
  • Blanca Del Puerto
  • Margarita Ruiz Olazar
  • Christian E. Schaerer


Several Latin American countries have an economy strongly based on agricultural/livestock sector, where dependence on water plays a predominant role. This dependency is being observed in a cyclical way due to el Niño, la Niña, and climatic changes. Among the producers, those of small and medium-size, based mainly on family farming, are the ones that suffer the most from the consequences of water scarcity. [...]


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Biografia do Autor

Iris Marcela Jara

Comunera University, Asunción, Paraguay

Blanca Del Puerto

Comunera University, Asunción, Paraguay

Margarita Ruiz Olazar

Comunera University, Asunción, Paraguay

Christian E. Schaerer

CIMA Centro de Investigación en Matemática, San Lorenzo, Paraguay


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