Study of links between people in urban areas based on mobility data for the city of São Paulo


  • Matheus de Moraes Gonçalves Correia
  • Jéssica Domingues Lamosa
  • Vander Luis de Souza Freitas
  • Lívia Rodrigues Tomás
  • Leonardo Bacelar Lima Santos



Complex Networks, COVID-19, Brazil, São Paulo


Our study explores the average degree and clustering of a complex mobility network designed to model and simulate the COVID-19 pandemic. To construct this network, we utilized mobility data collected in São Paulo, creating a network in which each node represents an individual, and each edge weight denotes the duration of contact between individuals during a typical day. By analyzing data from an Origin-Destination Research, we calculated the average degree and weighted clustering coefficient of the network for various minimum contact duration. We aimed to understand the effect of increasing minimum contact duration on network structure. Our findings indicate that networks with different minimum contact duration remained sparse, as the average degree of the generated graphs decreased.


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Author Biographies

Matheus de Moraes Gonçalves Correia

INPE, São José dos Campos, SP

Jéssica Domingues Lamosa

UNIFESP, São José dos Campos, SP

Vander Luis de Souza Freitas

Department of Computing - UFOP, Ouro Preto, MG

Lívia Rodrigues Tomás

CEMADEN, São José dos Campos, SP

Leonardo Bacelar Lima Santos

CEMADEN, São José dos Campos, SP


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