Partial distance estimate in a two-group SEIRD model
We study the case of a two-group epidemic model, where the infectious individuals of each group transmit the disease to the susceptible individuals of both groups according to an asymmetric interaction and including an period of latency. [...]
A. M. V. D. L. Melo and M. C. Santos. “Final size and partial distance estimate for a two-group SEIRD model”. In: Journal of Mathematical Biology 86.4 (2023), Paper No. 56, 32. issn: 0303-6812. doi: 10.1007/s00285-023-01892-x.
Coronavírus Boletins Diários: Prefeitura Municipal de Petrolina. Online. Acessado em 01/10/2021, boletins-diarios.
Boletim Epidemiologico de Juazeiro: Prefeitura Municipal de Juazeiro. Online. Acessado em 01/10/2021,