Distinction index between distributions to classifymeteorological events


  • Jhoseny Souza Santos UFSC
  • Giovanni Dolif Neto CEMADEN
  • Leonardo B. Lima Santos CEMADEN


The South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) is a meteorological phenomenon that influencesdirectly the rainy season of the Subtropical zone of South America [3]. The SACZ is characterizedby an intense convergence zone oriented northwest-southeast which occurs more frequently betweenNovember and March [4]. Due to its stationarity, some SACZ is related to extreme rainfall episodesthat are followed by landslides and floods, as it occurred in the Mountain Region of Rio de Janeiroin 2011. This landslide case caused the death of 905 people, 345 missing and 34.600 homeless [2]. [...] 


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