Lubrication theory stucly with differentiated geometry parameterization and applications in hydrodynamic bearings


  • Júlia de Araújo Mota
  • Juliana Vianna Valério



Lubrication Theory, Geometry parameterization, Numerical Simulation, Hydro­dynamic Bearings, Dynamic Coefficients.


This article use the lubrication theory to simplify the Navier-Stokes equations for the flow between two cylinders with a small thickness of oil film. An effective parameterization of the geometry, proposed in Mota (2020) [6], is used to analyse traditional hydrodynamic bearings and two other configurations of them: elliptical and worn bearings. The simplifications in the model result in a elliptical partial differential equation, that are solved by the centered finite difference method which solution is the pressure field between the cylinders. The results agreed with the literature and different geometries are analysed. This modeling, as well as all its simulations were developed to integrate Ross-Rotordynamics, a library in Python for rotodynamic analysis, available on the GitHub platform.  


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Author Biographies

Júlia de Araújo Mota

PPGI/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Juliana Vianna Valério

IC/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.


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