An OpenFOAM-based multiphase solver for physical systems with stationary and moving phases using a coupled solution for phase fractions


  • Franciane Fracalossi Rocha
  • Amanda H. L. Matos Charin
  • Gabriel Marcos Magalhães
  • Hélio Ribeiro Neto
  • Roberto Lange



OpenFOAM, Multiphase Flows, Porous Media, Coupled Solution


This work presents the formulation, verification, and application of an OpenFOAM- based multiphase solver for physical systems with moving and stationary phases. The latter is used to model porous media, allowing for the simulation of multiphase flow processes applied to many areas of science and engineering. The model considers an implicit coupled solution of the phasefraction equations for an arbitrary number of phases in the system, providing better approximations when compared to the standard segregated solution. We present verification tests simulated in scenarios with different numbers of moving phases, along with an application case.


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Author Biographies

Franciane Fracalossi Rocha

ICMC-USP, São Carlos, SP / WIKKI Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Amanda H. L. Matos Charin

WIKKI Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Gabriel Marcos Magalhães

WIKKI Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Hélio Ribeiro Neto

WIKKI Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Roberto Lange

WIKKI Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ


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