On the Spread of the Wildfire with a Time-space-varying Wind


  • Hengameh R. Dehkordi CMCC




Randers metric, firefront, time-space-varying wind, strategic path, blocking problem.


In this paper, we present the model of wildfire propagation in flat terrain under the influence of a time-space-varying wind. We outline the methodology through systematic steps, facilitating the model development. Using the MATLAB environment, we simulate multiple experimental wildfire scenarios to demonstrate the practical application of our results in addressing real-world problems. Our results offer insights into determining optimal locations for constructing barriers to mitigate fire spread, known as the blocking problem. Implementation of our results can lead to reductions in the area affected by fire and decreased operational time and cost.


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Author Biography

Hengameh R. Dehkordi, CMCC

Researcher at CMCC, focusing on wildfire propagation modeling.


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