Enhancement of Biopeckle Laser Samples Using Algorithms Based On Histogram Equalization


  • J. Palacios
  • J. Florentin
  • J. C. Mello-Román Universidad Americana
  • J. L. Vázquez Noguera Universidad Nacional de Asunción
  • E. Herrera Universidad Nacional de Asunción


Biospeckle laser, Image enhancement, Histogram equalization, Contrast enhancement, Bioactivity visualization


The biospeckle laser is a non-invasive technique. This technique helps to monitor changes and measure activity in biological samples. In the generation of high quality food, this technique allows us to inspect the quality and safety of food. Speckle pattern images have problems of saturation, low contrast, among others. These problems can be mitigated using image enhancement techniques. This work presents a methodology for correction and enhancement of details in the biospeckle output image using image processing techniques. First, the algorithms will be applied to the sequence to minimize the loss of information. Then, the graphical method of speckle AVD is used with the modified images to finally obtain the activity map. Finally, the obtained result is evaluated objectively. The numerical and visual results show that contrast enhancement techniques can help to better visualize bioactivity in seeds.


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