Classic and Fuzzy Type-2 Control for the Van de Vusse Reactor: A Comparative Study


  • Ana Maria A. Bertone
  • Rosana S. da Motta Jafelice
  • Bruna F. M. Goes


Palabras clave:

Van de Vusse reactor, Ziegler-Nichols tuning, Fuzzy Rule- Based System of interval type-2.


A Proportional, Integral and Derivative controller with Ziegler-Nichols tuning for the Van de Vusse reactor, whose circuit includes a fuzzy rule-based system of interval type-2, is compared with the classic control. In the nonlinear process with inverse response of the Van de Vusse reactor, it is assumed that it is perfectly agitated and is operating in isothermal and isochoric conditions with constant reaction. The mathematical model that describes the reaction is given by a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations which, by the Laplace transform method, is associated with a second order transfer function. Simulations built on Simulink R show the efficacy of the interval type-2 fuzzy control strategy, with better performance in terms of delay and overshoot compared to the classic control.


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