Double sun with largest Randić energy
In 1975 Milan P Randić introduced the Randić index, a molecular structure descriptor, defined √ 1 as R− 21 (G) = i∼j , where the summation is over all pairs of adjacent vertices of the di dj graph. This index has applications in chemistry and pharmacology and has been extensively studied in mathematics and mathematical chemistry. Furthermore, the Randić index motivated the association to a graph G the symmetric matrix of order n, called Randić matrix, and its energy, which meets important applications in real world problems in chemistry. [...]
L. E. Allem, G. Molina, and A. Pastine. “Short note on Randić energy”. In: MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 82 (2019), pp. 515–528. issn: 0340-6253.
I. Gutman, B. Furtula, and S. B Bozkurt. “On Randić energy”. In: Linear Algebra and its Applications 442 (2014), pp. 50–57. doi: