Modelagem Matemática e Computacional da Injeção de Ácidos em Meios Porosos
A dedução de modelos matemáticos e computacionais capazes de quantificar o fenômeno de dissolução, durante o transporte de solutos em meios porosos, vem sendo amplamente apresentada na comunidade científica nas últimas décadas [3, 6]. [...]
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Alexander N. Brooks; Thomas J.R. Hugues. “Streamline upwind/Petrov-Galerkin formulations for convection dominated flows with particular emphasis on the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations”. Em: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 32 (1982), pp. 199–259. doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(82)90071-8.
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Liu P.; Yao J.; Couples G. D.; Ma G.; Iliev O. “3-D modelling and experimental comparison of reactive flow in carbonates under radial flow conditions”. Em: Scientific Reports 7 (2017), pp. 1–10. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18095-2.
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L.P. Franca; F. Valentin. “On an improved Unusual Stabilized Finite Element Method for the advective-reactive-diffusive equation”. Em: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 190 (2000), pp. 1785–1800. doi: 10.1016/s0045-7825(00)00190-0.
L.P. Franca; F. Valentin. “On an improved unusual stabilized finite element method for the advective-reactive-diffusive equation”. Em: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 190 (2000), pp. 1785–1800. doi: 10.1016/s0045-7825(00)00190-0.
Chen Z.; Huan G.; Ma Y. Computational Science Engineering. 2a. ed. Siam, 2006. isbn: 978-0-89871-606-1.