Three-Term Recurrence Relation for Quasi-Orthogonal Polynomials
Palabras clave:
Quasi-Orthogonal Polynomials, Three-Term Recurrence Relation, Orthogonality, Differential EquationsResumen
The concept of orthogonal polynomials has been an important tool in the analysis of a large variety of problems in mathematics and engineering, like moment problems and numerical quadrature, for example. Afterward, many other concepts related to orthogonal polynomials were proposed, as quasi-orthogonal polynomials. In this work, our focus is dealing with the quasi-orthogonal polynomials. We derive a three-term recurrence relation for the quasi-orthogonal polynomials when r = 2 and apply these polynomials in contexts involving differential equations and the orthogonality of Rn(x).
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